Aquarius Shop
In which we detail the goods and services we offer
Support our site! Visit our favorite PCB manufacturer, $2 JLCPCB!
Signature Edition units available on eBay HERE !
Register your unit on the Aquarius+ Serial Number List
Working hardware and emulator! GitHub here
The new USB expansion module for the Aquarius computer. You can build one yourself, or purchase from other Aquarius enthusiasts. Click above for details!
I am offering installation of the Aquarius Composite AV mod (NTSC or PAL units!) along with other enhancements for a flat-rate. Users will still have to remove their working motherboard from the case and ship it to me, but I'll handle the heavy lifting. Contact me if you are an international customer, as I'll have to calculate shipping manually.
Works with NTSC & PAL systems!
Our Aquarius Composite Video Adapter DIY Edition PCB is now available here.